Vashon Pharmacy Services
We’re here to help. We hope to meet all your pharmacy needs. If you have a question, just ask!
Full-line Pharmacy
Vashon Pharmacy accepts most prescription insurance plans. Our friendly pharmacy staff will make sure your whole medical history is taken into consideration and screen for every possible interaction. Our pharmacists are happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your medication and do their best to get you on your way in as little of time as possible.
Medical Equipment Purchase and Rentals
Vashon pharmacy offers a variety of medical equipment rentals, from nebulizer products and pulse oximeters to wheelchairs and walkers we are your go to supplier for medical equipment on Vashon Island. Other products are also available for purchase if needed and we are happy to order anything else we may not carry based on your needs.
Vashon pharmacy is excited to now offer full line vaccination services to Vashon Island. This includes the seasonal flu vaccine, TdaP, Pneumonia, Shingles, and many more without the need for a prescription from your provider. Vashon pharmacy is able to vaccinate anyone age 3 and older without a prescription based on health status and qualifications. We are able to bill qualifying prescription benefit plans when applicable. Talk to your friendly Vashon Pharmacy pharmacist today about your vaccination needs!
Medication Synchronization
Tired of making multiple trips to the pharmacy each week? Or maybe you can’t remember which medication you need to get filled. MedSync is perhaps the solution to these problems. Vashon Pharmacy is now offering to synchronize your medications for your convenience. By synchronizing your medication refill dates, you are more likely to take them daily leading to a healthier lifestyle and better medical outcome. This process takes up to 3 months to fully complete depending on your current medication regimen. We synchronize your medications by partially filling refills so that your medications would be set to run out on the same day. From then on your medications can all be filled on the same day making it easier to remember and less of a hassle. Ask your friendly pharmacy staff for more information today! (additional one-time copayment charges may apply during this time period depending on your insurance provider).
Wound Care Supplies
Whether you have a paper cut, a healing wound, or are recovering from surgery Vashon Pharmacy has everything you need to heal as quickly as possible. We carry a large variety of gauze, bandages, and other wound cleaning supplies as well as medical tape, ACE bandages and other wraps you may need to make the healing process as painless as possible.
Orthopedic Braces and Supports
Vashon Pharmacy has a full line of top quality orthopedic braces and supports. Our pharmacists can assist you in sizing and custom fitting based on your specific needs.
Diabetic Supplies
Vashon Pharmacy has a wide variety of diabetic supplies available. We carry everything from blood glucose meters and test strips to glucose tabs and urinary ketone strips. We are also available to discuss any issues you may be having with your machine or give advice about strategies and technique to help you manage your diabetes in the best way possible.
Nutritional Supplements and Counseling
Vashon Pharmacy carries a wide range of dietary and nutritional products. We are also happy to order anything you may not find on our shelves that we can get from our wholesaler. Always be sure to consult a pharmacist before starting any over-the-counter products if you take prescription medication.
Incontinence & Urological Supplies
Incontience and urological supplies are available in a variety of forms. We carry adult diapers, sitz bath, bed pans, and much more.
Compliance Packaging
You or a loved one having difficulty remembering to take medication? Our various options of compliance packaging may be the solution. We offer two different types of compliance packaging, weekly MediSet+ or monthly blister card packaging. Our MediSet boxes allow you to have your prescription medications dispensed to you in easy to use daily compartments allowing for up to 4 doses daily. If pill boxes aren’t your preference perhaps our blister cards give a better peace of mind. These allow you to easily see your doses of medications, and can be blistered individually by medication or in combination depending on pill size and characteristics. Talk to your friendly pharmacy staff today about opting for compliance packaging. (additional charges apply)